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AI Strategy Session - Royal Swinkels Family Brewers

This questionnaire for the AI Strategy Sessions for Royal Swinkels Family Brewers is an essential tool designed to help us understand your current AI opinion and aspirations.

During this session, we will explore the most recent trends and developments in artificial intelligence, aiming to identify immediate technological opportunities to improve efficiency and establish a roadmap for long-term AI transformation within Royal Swinkels Family Brewers.

By understanding your current perspective, we can more effectively tailor our discussion to uncover the most valuable opportunities for leveraging AI within your organization.

Job van den Berg & Remy Gieling

Where would you place yourself on the following scale:

Where would you place yourself on the following scale:
AI PessimistAI RealistAI Optimist

Could you explain why you are pessimistic, realistic or optimistic when it comes to AI developments?

How can AI impact Swinkels Family Brewers on the short term in your view? (1-3 years)

How can AI impact Swinkels Family Brewers on the long term in your view? (3-7 years)

How would your role be potentially affected by AI? Could it be (partly) automated?

How would your role be potentially affected by AI? Could it be (partly) automated?
Not at allfully take over

Which specific element or task that's part of your daily job could be potentially automated by AI? Please be as concrete as possible.

Have you used ChatGPT for business purposes?

Have you used ChatGPT for business purposes?

How do you think AI will affect your role?

Change can be difficult, especially when it comes to intelligent machines working side by side with humans. What are hurdles to overcome to make a succesfull integration?

Say Royal Swinkels Family Brewers does not adopt the opportunities of AI, what is the worst case scenario that could happen?

Honestly, have you used ChatGPT to generate the answers above?

Honestly, have you used ChatGPT to generate the answers above?